
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Very first post...

So, this morning, as I was browsing my friend Dave's blog, I was instantly transported back to about fifth grade. I caught myself thinking "All my friends have blogs, why can't I have one, tooooo? I wanna BLOoooooooG!" Oy, the whining!

Then out came the Mommy Voice with the practical questions - what would I blog about? Am I interesting enough to have a blog? Who would actually want to read about me? Although I live in the suburbs, a Desperate Housewife I'm not. No salacious material for me.

I pondered titles. I mulled over themes. I came up empty, thus leading me to believe that I really have nothing between my ears of any interest to anyone. Hence the title: vapid reflections of a suburban dweller. Because that's me. In the proverbial nutshell.

I'm a 34-year old wife/mother/teacher, firmly ensconced in the suburbs, with the requisite offspring and animals. I teach Middle School (hormones on the hoof) World Languages (French & Spanish), I mother a very adorable 3-year old, and I do the normal suburban things: bake cookies, decorate my house, and hang my laundry out on the line. Oh, sure, I have a Masters Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, and enjoy reading Zola, Sand, and Colette. I've traveled abroad, and I could bore you to death talking about why everyone should learn a second language. However, for the most part, I concern myself with my tiny, rather domestic, sphere.

So here it is, for the world to see. I'm letting it all hang out, as it were. I hope you find me more interesting than I do.


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