
Saturday, December 25, 2004

Present Orgy

This year's festivities featured a Present Orgy, at which wrapping paper was shredded with reckless abandon. Imagine a 3-year old girl with a pile of presents taller than she is. Now imagine that 90% of said child's presents are Princess themed. Well, now we are in little girl heaven - Disney Princess Kitchen, Princess dress-up trunk, Princess Jewel box, movies, dolls, even Princess Panties. What a haul! She doesn't know what to play with first.

I made out fairly well, with the Duran Duran CD/DVD, and some other movies & CDs. Santa brought everything I asked for, so I must have been a good girl. The Mr. didn't do so bad, either. He's on his laptop, trying to beat the chess game I got him. Good luck!

Oh, you caught that? Yes, I'm on my laptop and he's on his, in the same room. I keep waiting for him to IM me and ask what's for dinner. That'll happen, I guarantee.


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