
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Giving Thanks

Today I give thanks for:
  • My family - all of them. I'm thankful for my little family of the WCM, Miss Peanut, Slider & Zippy (my corgis). I'm thankful for my parents, step-parents, brother, and step-siblings. Well, ok, just the one stepsibling. The other one's kind of a bitch and I could do without her. I'm thankful for the WCM's huge and hilarious family, with whom we shall be dining tonight.
  • My friends. I'm thankful for Hube, whom I miss seeing daily and joking with. I'm thankful for Melanie & Jeff and their soon-to-be-son-or-daughter who will be appearing in about 2 weeks (see you soon, guys!). I'm thankful for Sara, without whom I would be absolutely crazy at work. She saves my sanity on a daily basis. And, strangely, I'm thankful for this little online community of friends that has developed over the last few months - Tina, April, Garfer, Herge, CCEarth, et al. Visiting your blogs always makes me chuckle, even if I don't comment much.
  • My job - not only does it allow me to pay the bills, but it does so in the most enjoyable of ways. I still forget about payday. The money, to me, always seems to be a bonus of working and not the object. I hope it's always that way.
  • My doctor - seriously. She listens, understands, and properly treats all that ails me. She gives me my health, such as it is, and for that, I am thankful.

I shall be breaking bread at my brother-in-law's house later this afternoon, after which the tryptophan coma shall gently settle over me. I'll be off now to bake a batch of my famous brownies to take to the festivities. Have a nice day, all.


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