
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ellie and I are cool again

So Ellie, or as she likes to be called "Ms. Roosevelt," and I are cool again.

It seems that the WCM was trying to be cute and said the opposite of what he meant - do you get that? Sometimes I don't quite understand the man, and I've been his Significant Other for nigh on 20 years. But, you know, when you're all dressed up and someone says something like "Well, don't you just look awful today! You should've made an effort!" and you see they're smiling? You kind of know that's a compliment, right?

Well, the WCM hasn't quite mastered this kind of compliment, so it came out wrong. That's his story, anyway, and he's sticking to it.

And after a nice long swim, a glass of merlot, and a fabulous steak dinner prepared by both me and my brother-in-law (he did the steak and potatoes, I did the Caesar and Caprese salads), everything seems just about 100 percent better.

I still have the odd insecure day, every now and then. Even though there are tiny, tiny pants in my closet that fit me, I will never quite leave the 300-pound woman behind. She's still with me, she still thinks in my head, and sometimes, she whispers her neuroses in my ear. I wish she'd have left me some of her self-confidence and a bit more of her sass, because I could have used those earlier.

To anyone who ever thought Weight Loss Surgery was easy, well, it's not, really. It comes with its own set of mental challenges and emotional hurdles. Today, I stumbled over one of them. I expect I'll have a few more stumbles in the future before I can run around with my head high. But I'll get there.

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