
Monday, June 02, 2008

Nom nom nom!!

Ok, so, I've been a fan of the frozen Margarita for some years now. They are delicious in their citrusy splendor, accenting the tang of tequila with a rim of salt. Personally, I prefer mine sin sal, but your mileage may vary, as it is said on the interwebz.

A friend of mine went out and bought herself a slushie machine. I, also a lover of slushies, followed suit and ordered one of my own. I've been waiting a week since being notified that it had been shipped. Finally, today, it arrived.


This is what I enjoyed this afternoon. Granted, it's a Sugar-free Blue Raspberry slushie in a margarita "glass" (quotations cuz it be plastic...), but it was all delicious and good. Right now, I have the real thing. All I have are 3 little words:

Nom. Nom. Nom.

funny pictures


  • Oh frabjous day! Calloo! Callay! Man, that looks yummers. I can has margarita now?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:23 AM  

  • Sheer decadence. This is the kind of thing that caused the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

    By Blogger garfer, At 4:19 AM  

  • Mel - yes! You can nom with me whenever you get up here! You can haz margarita wif or wifout tequila.

    Garfer - I'll be slurping my slushie while it burns. Do you play the fiddle?

    By Blogger Peevish McSnark, At 7:11 PM  

  • I feel really dumb asking this, but the title of the post...? Please explain.

    By Blogger might I add...?, At 10:21 PM  

  • MIA - not a problem. Go visit the site and giggle for a while. You'll figure out nom nom nom quick enough. (it's an eating noise...)

    By Blogger Peevish McSnark, At 10:11 PM  

  • Ohhhh. I was thinking en français.

    By Blogger might I add...?, At 10:58 PM  

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