
Friday, February 18, 2005

Survivor: Pulau

So I'm totally addicted to Survivor. Didn't watch the first one, but got completely sucked in by the Outback (paging Colby Donaldson, Colby Donaldson, STAT!). I've watched every one since, and was a total WRECK when Rupert got voted out of the All-Stars.

Anyhoo, I kind of liked how this one turned out. I completely identified with the tatoo-girl, even though I'm ink-free and pierced only in the conventional places. I was always picked last in gym class... Poor me ;-) Coby utterly betrayed her in the team picking and I hope she stabs him right back later in the game.

I liked Jolanda, but I think she was a tad too bossy. Also, Singing Lady had to go. She was just too annoying. But Jonathan! I admit, I'm shallow when it comes to buff young shirtless men. I really loved all the plotting going on from the very first hour they landed.

Looks like it's going to be a good season. Stay tuned!


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