Cocktail weenies: is this the most obscene-sounding snack in the world? I mean, first, you have "cock." It's a pink sausage for fuck's sake, and you're going to call it something starting with a euphemism for penis? Then there's "tail," which is a euphemism for female genitalia - as in "get a piece of tail." With my perverted imagination, I've already got quite the picture show in my head. The pièce de résistance though is the last word: "weenie." As a child, I had boy friends who routinely referred to their equipment as their weenie. When you see the stubby, flesh-colored meat stick on a plate, nothing quite puts you off as much as making that association with your former 8 year old friends. Ick. I think I'll stick to the bacon-wrapped scallops, thank you very much.
When a big girl - euphemistically speaking - has to buy clothes, it's rarely a pleasant prospect. Add to that prospect the additional complication of fashion constraints, and you've got a nightmare in the making. The memorial service was yesterday, which necessitated the purchase of a new black garment, as all the other serviceable black garments I own are too small for my current tonnage. I found, after much frustrated searching, a conservative black suit, suitably voluminous to cover my ample
As I mentioned before, my Father-in-Law passed away. He was 85 years old, suffering from senile dementia and Parkinson's disease. Before he became completely infirm, he was quite a character - oh, the stories I could tell. Ornery as cat shit, always trying to stir up some good-natured trouble, hardworking, alternately caring and cantankerous depending on which way the wind blew - he was an original. People said of him that when he was created, they broke the mold (and then proceeded to beat the hell out of the mold-maker). I'll miss the old bugger.
Number 57,432 on my list of Things That Annoy Me: Acne drugs. You know, back when I was 13, acne medication was reserved for those kids who had really horrible, pitting, disfiguring acne. Those of us with mild to moderate pizza face had to suffer through those years, relying on them to "build character." Nowadays, practically every student I have is on some form of acne drug. It makes them all beautiful, to be sure, but it also makes me feel like such a dirty old woman as I can't help but admire all the tall, clear-skinned young men that enter my classroom. Not that I'm going to go LeTourneau, because 13? Yuck! But honestly - they're too handsome for their own good. Please, take away the Accutane, people. Zits protect them.
Number 74,963 on my list of Things I Can't Do Without: Baby snuggles. My boyfriend, Max, is just as cute as ever. I submit for your perusal, exhibit A - Max at Play.
Is he not the cutest boyfriend ever? He's such a love, and I'll be seeing him and his lovely parents again on Easter. Can't wait to cuddle him.
Makeup is the devil's palette. In my teen years, I liberally slathered my face in foundation, caked on the powder and blush, smeared my lips in fire-engine red, and loaded down my eyelashes Tammy-Faye-style in an effort to disguise my insecurities about my looks. In college, I simply couldn'tbe arsed to keep up that regimen. It was all about efficiency and getting the fuck out of bed in the mornings. Here's my college regimen: sweats? check. ponytail? check. lip balm? check. Voila. Instant undergrad - just add coffee. Nowadays, I usually wear some, just so I can feel professional. Yesterday, though, I went all out and wore the full face. It was so uncomfortable! I felt smothered in paint - like the Bond girls in Goldfinger (which is an urban legend, by the way, as you can't smother in paint unless someone holds you down in a vat of it). I looked like a porcelain doll, though. Do I want to be that uncomfortable every day just to look pretty? Hell no. I can't imagine that anyone actually does the full face every morning. Do you?
Diving in.
The Suburban Bliss story would've been tough to tackle, especially based on HOW MUCH has already been written about it, a mere day later.
Let's just suffice it to say that I'm happy in my marriage, and am a little taken aback by others'.
Makeup - Bleh. I feel like I can't scratch my face all day. It's so confining.
Sorry about your father-in-law, and ALMOST as sorry about having to find an outfit.
Anonymous, At
6:48 PM
I LOVE cocktail weenies...specially in b-b-q sauce!
I HATE HATE HATE clothes shopping...and I'm not as big as I once was. But I STILL HATE IT.
I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law. He sounds like he was a very special ornery guy...:)
Acne - I am 37 years old and I STILL get zits sometimes. WHY? WHY? WHY???? It's not fair.
Max is GORGEOUS...just look at that smile! :)
I put on my war-paint almost every single morning...doesn't matter if I'm going to work or going fishing. I feel naked without it!
And honestly, I HATE's too time consuming. I could sleep in an extra half hour if I didn't have to put my face on. ;)
Stacy The Peanut Queen, At
8:54 AM
Hey Chick-a-dee! It's your turn to tell us what happens next! Go find out what James is really like. Have fun! :-)
M, At
11:12 AM
I had a lot to say to all of this, but I'm too busy drooling over Max, so I'll just say "Amen, sistah!" and let you know that I'll be stealing that line "ornery as cat shit" for my day-to-day speech and may or may not give you credit.
portuguesa nova, At
7:20 PM
Hi B, That's quite a collection of info you've given us.
First of all, I'm sorry about your FIL.
cocktail weenies-gross! I can't bear to put one in my mouth for two reason-the knowledge that they are just fat and waste meat bits plus the 8 year old weirdness that you mentioned :-)
Max is adorable.
Makeup? well, I put on lipstick usually and eye liner, sometimes blush. some days I'm doing well if I manage to remember to brush my hair before leaving hte house, let alone anything else.
Everything else is optional.
Kyahgirl, At
11:18 AM
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