
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, Uncovered

Ok, so follow along:

* irritability and mild depression suddenly descend,
* concurrent ingestion of sweet & salty foodstuffs increases,
* disdain for my spouse multiplies exponentially with every breath he takes,
* overnight (and I mean literally overnight) five-pound weight gain, and
* major intense case of accelerated sex drive... (yeah, TMI, but still germane)

I am an idiot. PMS. Duh.

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  • Take a holiday - on your own. Or take along a Puerto Rican gigolo.

    It's the only solution.

    By Blogger garfer, At 12:07 PM  

  • Ya know, I *almost* asked what time of month it was for you after the whinging...but I figured that was a given. ;-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:42 PM  

  • I so *do* follow along -- and I'm right there with you on all fronts and all timing.

    TOM started today. As you say, duh.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3:34 PM  

  • What if the spousal disdain is 25 days out of every 30? That's not PMS related, is it?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:19 AM  

  • Garfer - I'll take the holiday, sans gigolo.

    Mel - yep. It sneaked up on me this month. Lucky you - you won't have that for another several months ;-)

    Deluzy - I feel your pain, sister. Want some chocolate? I've got some.

    Anonymous - I just have basic disdain for the man the other 25. This PMS disdain is like cancer - rapidly escalating and life-threatening. Plus, I'm a bitch.

    By Blogger Peevish McSnark, At 2:51 PM  

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