
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bad Grammer makes me [sic]

Yes, the misspelling was intentional.

I saw this on a T-shirt and had to quote it, as it seems to be a recurring theme in my life.

Why is it that people cannot seem to spell the word "lose?" It seems that every time I visit a certain Weight Loss Surgery support board, somebody is misspelling this very simple word. Here's an example:

"I want to loose 100 pounds."

No, you don't want to loose them. You want to lose them. Your pants get loose when you lose weight. It's not a hard concept, this spelling thing.

Also, there, they're, and their. To quote one of my favorite cartoon characters, "AAAAAUUUUGHHH!" I learned to differentiate between these three words in third grade. Gettensie ein grip, folks. "Where are the children? They're over there, with their friends."

Oh, wedgie update - I lasted the night, but haven't tried again. It was traumatic.

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  • Yay! First!

    It's because they are all thick.

    Simple as.

    (notice how I cleverly avoided using 'they're' or 'their'?)

    And yes, before anyone say it - I DO know which one to use!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:55 AM  

  • I hate bad grammer two. Your so write!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:05 PM  

  • P&T - Boys! You're back!

    Hube - OMG, like, totally!

    By Blogger Peevish McSnark, At 10:15 PM  

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